Network Management and Urban Traffic Control

At RWA we have significant experience in developing network management strategies and designing and implementing urban traffic control systems. These activities aim to reduce congestion and its associated economic and environmental costs and / or prioritise sustainable modes of transport such as buses, cyclists and pedestrians.

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Network Management

In order to deliver an effective urban traffic control system an initial network appraisal activity would be undertaken. This would allow us to recommend the most suitable control strategy to allow an Authority to fulfill its duty as the Traffic Manager, and meet any specific objectives such as incorporating a new development into an existing urban traffic control network.

We are well versed in a variety of UTMC products, allowing us to ensure features such as VMS, car park guidance systems, journey time monitoring, and CCTV are incorporated fully into traffic control system alterations.

Urban Traffic Control

At RWA we have extensive knowledge in the suitability, design and implementation of a variety of modes of traffic signal operation such as SCOOT, MOVA, FT UTC, and VA. We are able to identify and specify improvements for urban traffic control networks along key strategic routes that allow for obsolete equipment to be modernised, bringing significant operational benefits.

We also recognise that fine tuning an implemented traffic control system is paramount to ensure it operates as intended, and have a team of engineers who can carry out validation on both in and outstation equipment. Design decisions are always fully documented to ensure the client is left with a system that can be easily maintained into the future.