Sustainable Travel Solutions

Red Wilson have recognised in recent years the progression of traffic engineering to be more inclusive of sustainable modes. We like to be at the forefront of promoting sustainable travel in our designs, and are always looking for small tweaks we can make to a design that will provide significant benefit to sustainable modes.


Cycle and Pedestrian Solutions

RWA have worked on a variety of projects for our clients who are looking to improve cycle and pedestrian facilities and transform areas to have a less car centric focus. We recognise the importance of improving facilities to encourage road users to switch their mode of travel so they feel comfortable walking and cycling. These improvements can be as simple as adding advanced stop lines, increasing kerb space and providing early releases or even more transformational changes, such as segregated cycle tracks, additional pedestrian crossings and transforming streetscapes so that pedestrians can be the dominant road user.


Bus Priority

We have undertaken a number of bus priority studies, be that for an entire bus route, a town centre or a section of a route. Interrogating bus data and undertaking site appraisals allows us to ascertain why buses are being delayed and what is deterring road users from travelling on buses. Our thorough understanding of how road networks operate allows us to identify solutions and provide our clients with proven benefits when reducing bus delay.